IT Services & Networking, LLC


187 Yates Hill Rd.
Rockingham, NC 28379

Is your network growing and you are having problems keeping up with all the info about it? Give us a call and we will come by and see about getting you a network inventory and assessment. We will work with you and gather as much information about your network that we can and build you a docment listing all this information for you to know what you have. This also allows for us to check for any possible issues you may have that you do not know of and can advise you of possible fixes before the issues become a problem.

Not including drive time the cost is about $80 for a network with 10 devices.

Phone: (910)995-0146Fax: (910)434-8758Email: wclark@itservicesandnetworking.comPrivacy Policy

Last Updated: Sunday, May 27th, 2018 3:30PM EST by IT Services & Networking, LLC